If you are concerned about your memory and developing Alzheimer’s, then get your blood sugar under control as soon as possible. New research shows that those who had an increased risk of developing plaques had higher levels of glucose and possibly insulin resistance. The researchers proposed the possibility of controlling or preventing diabetes might help prevent Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s often starts out as forgetfulness often chalked up to age or stress. Newer, short-term memory isn’t laid down like it once was causing you to forget names of people you just met or things you were supposed to do. Maybe you heard something on the news but couldn’t recall it later to tell someone, or when describing a situation you lost some of the detail.

As the disease advances, you may be more and more confused, aggressive, combative, irritable, withdrawn, and have a worsened memory. The actual diagnosis requires extensive behavioral and cognitive assessments.

It’s important for a number of reasons to keep your blood sugar and insulin under control. To date, Alzheimer’s is not curable however if something as simple as lowering your glucose can help prevent it then I am all for that! Start by eating breakfast but make sure it’s a low carb/low sugar meal such as eggs, turkey bacon, or a protein smoothie. Snack on nuts/seeds, slices of free range deli meat, hummus and carrots, or guacamole and cut-up peppers. Avoid sugary drinks such as juice, soda or coffee blends, and sugary snacks. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water – at least eight glasses per day.

Exercise is important to helping lower blood sugar and insulin resistance. Make sure you are working out at least 30 minutes most days of the week. Consider adding in interval training to your aerobic routine and weight lift to work those muscles with resistance training.

Take this advice seriously and get your blood sugar under control as soon as possible. Your memory might depend on it.