Have you recently been diagnosed with iron-deficient anemia or told that you need more iron in your diet? There are two types of iron sources called “heme” and “non-heme” that are utilized by your body. The heme-sources of iron are animal derived and easily absorbed by your body (some say as much as 40%). Non-heme sources are plant and grain derived and is only absorbed up to 8% depending on your digestion.

Here are some examples of heme sources of iron:
Egg yolks

Here are some sources of non-heme iron:
Red kidney beans
Black eyed peas
Dry cereals with iron added (read the label)
Prunes and prune juice
Collard greens

There is very little to no iron in dairy products such as milk, yogurt, ice cream and cheese. When eating your iron-rich foods (or if you take an iron supplement) make sure you get a little Vitamin C too. Iron absorbs better with Vitamin C.