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Dave Balch: The Comfort Of Our Thinking

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We are unique creatures on this earth because we can control what we think about, and what we think about controls, among other things, how we feel. If you don’t like the way that you’re feeling, stop a second, stand back, and think about what you’re thinking about. Feel what you’re feeling: I’ll guarantee you that what you’re feeling is a direct result of what you’re thinking about.

The next time you don’t like the way you feel, stop a minute to ask yourself, “What am I thinking about?” And then try to think about something else. It sounds easy, but it isn’t. For one thing, it’s hard to remember to do this. And for another it’s hard to do because for some strange reason we all (myself included) tend to hold on to things that make us feel bad.

Sometimes it takes sheer strength of will to change what you are thinking about, but the results are worth the effort. One way to do this is to start some new activity that will occupy your mind. Pick up a book or magazine, get involved in a TV show or movie, call someone on the phone; all of these activities will get your brain moving in new directions.

Think of your brain as a great tool; like a saw, for example. Saws are not all used the same way and neither should our brains be. Some saws are better at cutting down trees, others are better for fine cabinetry or finish work. By the same token, some brains are better at technology, others are better at music or the arts. I'm not trying to tell you what to think or how to use your brain, just be aware that this is something that is under your control.

A saw can be used build a hospital or to kill someone. Your brain is the same way. How are you going to use yours? You can use your brain to do great things or you can kill yourself, literally, because poor thinking habits lead to stress. Poor thinking habits can lead to distractions. Do you really want to be thinking about the wrong things when you are driving or "operating heavy machinery?"

What we think about determines who we are and how we live. We are unique creatures on this planet because we can control what we think about so it follows, then, that we have the power to control who we are and how we live by controlling how we think. That's why it's important to train yourself to think about things that give you comfort instead of things that give you stress.

There is nothing comforting to think about, you say? Balderdash! Let's do a little experiment...think about a horse. A purple horse. With polka dots. See...you can think about whatever you want to think about! You can think about things that don’t even exist. You do have the power!

Something to think about, isn’t it?

This article is one in a series on coping strategies for patients and caregivers alike. For more thoughts on caregiving, coping strategies, reducing stress, and just plain fun, subscribe to my free monthly newsletter at http://www.CaringAndCoping.com. Need a speaker for an upcoming event? I have a program that will knock your socks off! Watch video clips at http://www.ThePPP.org/speaking/#handle.

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