Did you know calling your female friend to talk about your problems may be good for your heart as well as your marriage?

Men and women deal with stress differently. Women process their stress by talking about it. Often we cannot reach a solution or “let it go” until we’ve discussed a problem…thoroughly.

Men, however, usually don’t need to talk about it. In fact, they want to get away from it and decompress. They talk when it is time for solutions and action. He wants to leave the problem at the office, at the office. If you keep bringing it up, his stress level never goes down.

So, here’s the thing. When you expect the man in your life to deal with stress like you do, it increases his stress level — and yours, which isn’t good for your heart. Stress can increase your risk of heart disease. Learning to reduce your stress is essential.

Studies have shown women who maintain positive relationships with other women are less stressed and 30 percent less likely to develop heart disease. Talking with your gal pal can reduce your risk of a heart attack!

How long has it been since you had a girls’ night out? Sure it is good to call your gal pal when you NEED to talk about something but what about just getting out and talking about what is going on in your life?

I recently spent a great evening with a long-time friend and two new friends. One of them remarked,

“There is wife time and mom time. This is just me time. This is different.
I need more of this.”

Yes, you do need “me time” — and some time with women who support and nurture you. Taking time for a girls’ night out, coffee with a friend or even a walk and chat isn’t selfish (try hard to escape the mom guilts). It is essential to living longer, feeling better and stressing less.

How are you nurturing those important women in your life? Who is your Super Ball?

Get more valuable information in Eliz’s new book, The Busy Woman’s Guide to a Healthy Heart, or in her award-winning blog.

Eliz Greene survived a massive heart attack while seven-months pregnant with twins, struggled to lose the 80 pounds gained during her pregnancyand searched for a way to hold on to the perspective and passion she found in her near-death experience. Drawing on her background as an adaptive movement specialist, Eliz developed simple strategies and tips to help other busy women be more active, eat better and manage their stress.

As the director of the Embrace Your Heart Wellness Initiative, Eliz travels the country energizing and inspiring audiences in keynotes and workshops on women’s heart health. She writes one of the top 100 health and wellness blogs. Find more at www.EmbraceYourHeart.com.

Link to blog: http://www.embraceyourheart.com/blog/2009/07/16/he-is-from-mars-call-someone-from-venus-busy-woman%e2%80%99s-guide-to-stress-management/