If you've never done it, it can be as terrifying as the first time you ever, well, you know. It's a dark, mysterious adventure, fraught with intrigue and suspense, possibly the best thing that's ever happened and possibly the worst, plus, what will people think of you?

If you have done it before (and most of us have) you know that the longer your hair gets, the more nervous you become about cutting it. Yet you must; you want to reinvent yourself or at least get rid of that dang scrunchy thing and the silly pins and barrettes you are now ashamed to admit you are purchasing with abandon from the children's section of the drug store.

So how do you do it? Are you one who just marches in after seeing the "walk-ins welcome" sign and sign YOUR name? Do you make an appointment, talk with people about the best man or woman for the job, have a talking-only consultation before the big day? Do you consult with your significant other, your friends, your co-workers, your family? Or do you just do it because you want to and all other opinions be cast aside?

Do you have fears that your hair represents your sexuality and if it's long you're hot and if it's short you're not? Is hair an extension of your artistic or intellectual abilities, your professionalism?

All these questions and many, many more may be burning through your mind as you weigh the pros and cons of cutting your hair. The truth is, hair is one of the only aspects of our appearance that is truly malleable; unless we are balding, our long hair may suffer horrible styles or colors and truly it will always grow back, the color will go away, the style will grow out. If you are thinking of cutting your long hair short, remember that even if you don't like it, this too shall pass, and in one year's time, or possibly less, your hair will be full and lengthy and probably in need of a pony tail holder once more.

As cliche as it sounds, going through some "celebrity styles" which may come close to the look you are after will give the hairstylist a clearer sense of how to approach things. Asking lots of questions and even doing research online to discover which styles may work better with your face shape and build is also very helpful.

Finally, go for it and have fun! It's only hair after all. You may find people judging you or complimenting you and, truth be told, you may love it or hate it so much you simply can't care about the opinions of others. But love it or hate it, it will always grow out and at least you tried something new. Plus, showering takes so much less time!

Aimee Boyle is a regular contributor to EmpowHER. She lives with her family in CT.