According to the American Brain Tumor Association 52,236, Americans were diagnosed with brain tumors in 2008 and 22,000 of the tumors were malignant. This disease affects family and friends as well as the patient. It is important to seek diagnosis and treatment early.

Symptoms vary according to the type and size of the tumor but some of the most common ones are:

Headaches, usually worse in the morning

Nausea and vomiting

Changes in ability to talk hear or see

Problems with balance or walking

Problems with thinking or memory

Muscle jerking or twitching

Numbness or tingling in arms or legs

Vision problems

Gradual loss of sensation or movement in arm or leg

Difficulty with balance

Confusion in everyday matters

Personality or behavior changes

Seizures, especially in someone who does not have a history of seizures

The good news is the survival rate for brain cancer patients is on the increase due to new treatments and clinical trials for brain tumor patients. There are many organizations devoted to helping you or a family member go through this trying time.

The National Brain Tumor Society offers free caregiver workshops throughout the U.S. as well as support groups, clinical trials online message boards, education, and financial help with related but non-medical expenses. Visit them at or call

The American Brain Tumor Association located in Des Plaines IL., offers; caregiver pen pals, clinical trial information, and education. You can reach them by calling 1- 800-886-2282 or

Musella Foundation a 501(c) non-profit is located in Hewlett, NY and offers clinical trials and noteworthy treatments, free online book for recently diagnosed individuals, on- line support groups, a list of brain tumor centers with many of them giving free scan reviews. Contact by calling 888-295-4740 or visit

National Cancer Institute: U.S. National Institute of Health offers education, research, clinical trials, genetic testing, statistics, library, on-line booklet, live on line chat help, and news on latest treatments. Phone 1-800-4-CANCER or visit