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For such an environmentally conscious city full of activists, ours is not terribly forward-thinking or enacting (does that make sense?), whereas Dallas and Houston have been either ahead of or leading the curve. It's not easy finding alternative fuel around town; I know of only one station in my part of town, and we're one of the most heavily populated sections with hundreds of little hybrids and the Smart Car shop! I don't get it, lol!

Yes, I am concerned about the dangers of such quiet cars. It may be nice to not hear so much noise on the road, but we're not prepared for it. There are still lots of kids darting out into our neighborhood streets on their bikes and boards, and you can see them look up when they hear a car like mine. Even the deer look - and I wonder how many hybrids have hit deer, hmmm...

I went for high gas mileage - but in my little luxury sports car, hehehe.

July 22, 2008 - 4:14pm


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