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EmpowHER Guest

I had my surgery about a month ago, I had an unusual UD. I swear I've had that thing for at least a year and a half but my gyno said she would have noticed it- it was slightly larger than an egg right on my urethra. I had NO symptoms except I could feel it move if I did a move of - like touching my toes. Mine was thought to be a gartners duct cyst, only in surgery did they see that it was attached to the urethra and had caused a slight UD. The odd thing was that it was filled with embryonic fluid.

Personally, I had a fantastic surgery. I did go to a Urogynecologist who really specialized in all vagina/urethra issues. I had the catheter in for 5 days, I called it my pee purse. Honestly, I didn't mind it. It did feel like I was tethered bizarrely to furniture from time to time- yes, I didn't notice a catheter to the point I would get up and walk away from it. Before surgery I prepped by recording a lot of TV shows in advance, learned how to crochet, and stocked up on yarn and liquids- post op sat in a recliner with some pain meds, tv, crocheting and some diet cream soda and enjoyed myself (you don't even have to get up to pee). Best week ever.

I'd say if you are scared about loosing sensation and complications- take the time and find an experienced specialist. It's worth it. :)

November 4, 2012 - 9:39pm


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