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Expert HERWriter

Dear Chamein,

What an amazing woman you are. After reading your post, I will never look at my body the same way again.

It never ceases to amaze me, how we as women get caught up in the scenario where we look at ourselves in the mirror and say, what happened to my rear end?? My thighs look like tree stumps and oh yes..... lets not forget about all those lines around my eyes. What do we call them?
CROWS FEET?? Who came up with that name, anyway?

After reading your story, I had to step back and revisit how I see myself. Yes, I too, look in the mirror and see that my bum isn't where it used to be. It's heading south and I don't think it's going to turn around anytime soon to head north again. Not even with the new GPS tracking devices.

What's really important? Is it that I can no longer fit in those size 6 jeans?? Maybe not. Is it that I'm doing something I love that brings me great joy? I say, YES. HECK, YES!!

I'm certainly not the woman I used to be. I'm better. I was never perfect and I'm never going to be perfect. But, I'm me:) And for the first time in my life...I can honestly say, I love me. Jiggles, wiggles and all!!

August 22, 2008 - 12:37pm


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