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EmpowHER Guest

My physician studied under Dr. Joseph Lane, chief of metabolic bone disease at the Hospital for Special Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City. Click on the link http://health.usnews.com/usnews/health/healthday/080319/fosamax-linked-to-unusual-femur-fractures.htm
This article explains that in certain cases some women have been having unusual femur fractures related to the use of fosomax. My dr suggested I go off fosomax (it can stay in your body for several years after you stop taking it). I was referred to an endocronoligst and after several tests he found out I had a severe Vitamin D deficiency. I've been on high doses of that since I've been seeing him. The article I referred to above would be beneficial to anyone who is taking fosomax and is having pain in their legs, and/or has had a femur fracture. I was very fortunate that when I had accident that the orthopedic physician on duty at the time was familar with this situation and fosomax. Hope this information helps you and anyone else that has questions on it.

May 21, 2009 - 7:10pm


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