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I just received a letter from a retired doctor in our church congregation with a reprint of the report that Mayo Clinic had on Fosamax and femoral fractures. Get off of Fosamax! I have two broken femurs, one has a rod and the surgery to do the other is upcoming in about a month. Since my broken femur in March, 2009, I also have suffered a compression fracture in my spine. Let me tell you, it is hard not to be mad right now. My orthopedic surgeon took me off of Fosamax as he said they are seeing more and more fractures in women who have been on it long-term. I was on for 10 years, but i now take 1200+ calcium with Vitamin D, plus another 2000 IU of Vitamin D3. Not sure if I want to try anything else at this point. Obviously nothing that has not had a long-term clinical study! I began taking Fosamax when it was new to the market and my doctor thought it best for me at the age of 50 to insure a good quality of life. I'd laugh out loud, but the pain is too much. My life is rather ruined at the moment because of the drug. The bone density tests only show that the bone is indeed thicker, but what it doesn't show is that the bone is more porous. Won't see that till they do the surgery to repair it. I will be 61 in August and now walk with a walker and a cane and will do so for about another 8-12 months. Be careful if you find yourself having any kind of hip or upper leg pain. A bone scan should show if you have an stress fractures and doing any exercise without that knowledge could be harmful.

July 3, 2009 - 9:20pm


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