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EmpowHER Guest

I have had migraines periodically all my life, but for the last 15 years I have them almost every cycle on day 15 in a 21 day cycle. It hits like the flu for 3 days, head pain, vomiting and diarrhea. I manage them with a combination of acupuncture, only drinking alcohol when I am menstruating, no coffee and caffeinated tea only when I menstruate. I use Maxalt at the first twinge which allows me to function. I also take natural progesterone compounded by a compounding pharmacist. The most recent improvement I have had was when I eliminated wheat from my diet. I do really well with an estrogen patch but my regular gynecologist had a fit when I was using it. She had no better solution however. I am hopeful that when I finally hit menopause (I am 52) that the symptoms will improve. I wish someone would study NATURAL hormones as well as the patented hormones. I couldn't live without them!

November 11, 2008 - 3:26pm


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