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EmpowHER Guest

Thankyou for such a long response! Because my symptoms arent as bad as what ive been reading about, im reluctant to come off the pill (as ive come to rely on choosing when to have a period) especially as it could take so long to have effect. I have been compiling a list of actual causes of vulvodynia from the internet. Hopefully i will be seeing my first gynaecologist soon and i fully intend to demand that we get to the root of the problem rather than just trying to improve the symptoms.
My list of causes at the moment is as follows:
- hormone imbalance
- ecoli infection
- hyperactive bladder
- allergy (to glycerin or yeast)
- wrong PH
- Interstitial Cystitis
- neuralgia or inflamation of nerves due to pain

I hate the phychological effects of this. sleep is my only real escape so everyone thinks im really lazy, but its the only place i can completely forget. I havent told my new boyfriend yet and im terrified what he will think.
I am tempted I think to wait until i see a specialist to see if i should come off the pill. I have been on it since i was about 12 to help regulate my cycle. interestingly this was when i first started getting problems, namely cystitus. I think my specialist and i have a lot to discuss..

April 29, 2009 - 12:38pm


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