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EmpowHER Guest

I too experienced the shingles (around my upper right torso with some running around my back) less than two weeks after receiving my flu shot this year(2010). I am 70 yrs. of age, and healthy. I get the flu shot every year and have never experienced this or any other negative reaction previously, other than the usual side effects. Just to ease my curiosity on whether the flu shot could indeed cause shingles....... I happened upon this site. Suppose now i will push my physician to carry the vaccination for shingles. She told that medicare does not cover this and the inoculation is only about 50%effective................but who cares, I will get it anyway even it is only 20%. My Understanding is, this painful rash is merely the beginning, many suffer with scarring and nerve ending truama which could last a year or more causing pain to occur on the shingles sight at any time.

Everyone suffering or who has suffered from this malady should notify the CDC(www.cdc.gov), My feeling is: This is more than coincidental; they are just unaware at present.

, if not the local health department should be able to assistme according to the CDC

October 23, 2010 - 8:39am


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