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EmpowHER Guest

Hi everyone,
I posted on here a year ago re trigonitis. I hope that I can help somebody with my story. Basically I suffered for 6 years in total with chronic bladder pain which started after having sex with my boyfriend of 7 years now. I had NEVER had an infection before in my life even after sex so was quite surprised. That first infection started off years of pretty much constant pain and antibiotics. I had a cystoscopy done and my urethra stretched (ouch!!) and they found severe trauma to my trigone area. I soon started getting pain but with no infection to be found it was just inflammation. What I figured out myself was that the trigone area of the bladder responds to oestrogen. I had been on birth control for nearly 10 years in total and I believe this is what caused my bladder to become damaged. I came off birth control for other reasons and found myself having trouble with hormones. To cut a long story short I have low levels of oestrogen, once I came off bc I still had bladder pain but when I started taking evening primrose oil 1000mg a day my pain went away within a month. I only figured this out after stopping EPO and having sex and the pain starting up again within 24 hours after intercourse. When I did research on EPO it says it can act as an oestrogen in your body so the way I see it, it is helping my bladder lining build up and protect itself. I have now been pain free for 9 months - not a single twinge and I honestly thought it would be something I would have to live with forever. I can have sex twice a day and not get any pain after. I can't begin to describe how good it feels and wish my urologist would have mentioned hormones with my trigone area being so damaged. I'm not saying this is the case for everyone but if it can help someone not go through years of pain like I did I'll be happy. Plus I just wanted to mention I tried loads and loads of treatments from the candida diet to special teas/'vitamins and acupuncture and nothing helped at all apart from stopping the synthetic hormones and taking evening primrose oil - lots of it!!! Good luck everyone sorry that it's a bit long but I know how draining this can be xx

October 13, 2010 - 5:51am


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