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Hi, I've registered now so you know who's writing what. I wrote the post about Evening Primrose Oil. In response to Clonte I'm not sure if it was the synthetic oestrogen that caused my bladder damage, I have read somewhere that the progestins in bc can irritate the urethra but there is so much info it gets confusing, I'd say just give the EPO a try you never know it might work for you but I only think they work for me cause I know I've got low levels of oestrogen. My theory (!) is that because the pill stops ovulation, I wasn't building up enough oestrogen to protect my bladder. Since stopping bc (I was on Microgynon 30 by the way) I got diagnosed with PCOS and my hormones showed low oestrogen/slightly high testosterone. I was taking EPO for pms it was just by stopping them (did nothing for my dreadful PMS either) I noticed my bladder pain flared up again which made me think maybe it was helping my bladder. I also wanted to add that although EPO has taken away all the pain I still have a problem with frequency I suspect maybe nerves have been damaged due to so many infections?? I pee constantly still especially around ovulation because my ovaries are slightly bigger due to the cysts, my gyno said this puts pressure on the bladder!!! BUT I will happily cope with that because just to get rid of that awful constant pain is enough for me at the moment. 10 months now of no bladder pain I never thought I'd be able to say it :o)

November 11, 2010 - 8:30am


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