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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Interesting that you say that "women with a uterus are REQUIRED to take progesterone to protest their uterus." My doc did not believe in ANY HRT, so I found one that did. This doc did NOT have me on progestrone and the pellets threw me into estrogen dominance. My last pellets were in Jan 2015. Began bleeding in March thru April when he put me on Megace (my endometrium was 33mm!). Had a HELLACIOUS period in May after the megace. One huge fist sized plus clot. He wanted to do a D&C since my endometrium was at 12mm but had to be postponed. I then bled from August through December until I had a hysterectomy, despite taking provera and having a D&C (which only gave me 36 hours without bleeding). I went back to my old gyn in April because I had no idea where to turn. Now I have no uterus, no ovaries and a doc who tells me I need antidepressents, but no hormones. UGH!

February 19, 2016 - 6:12pm


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