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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am Hera--see above posts--I also sent the one about being from Philadelphia--don't know why it came up as anonymous--maybe because I came to site from my email rather than logging in. ANyway, to update, yesterday the dr. inserted another estrogen pellet as she felt my estradial was not as high as it should be and that my FSH was still too high. She said some women take time to get it adjusted. We will see. I remain disappointed but plan to do it through one more cycle to give it a fair chance. However, unless I see much more of a noticeable difference I think I will go to the creams as the pellets are awfully expensive. I also don't understand how they say it keeps you so steady as it appears that you have them inserted--then you peak, then it levels off for awhile and then it drops and you start over--to me that isn't particularly steady state. When I was peaking, the testosterone really had me going--I imagine if you were in a relationship it would be confusing to the man--you are horny as can be for a couple of weeks, then you level down a little--still interested but not as much, then you really lose interest, then you get it back in spades. I don't know, would really like to hear more about women's experiences as mine certainly doesn't sound typical as far as most others are concerned. I am still holding out hope that it will get better but in all honesty right now I don't know that I would recommend the pellets over the creams unless money is absolutley not an issue--a friend who has been listening to me said she is glad I did it as she feels she will now stick with the creams when the time comes for her. HOpe this helps.

June 16, 2009 - 4:50pm


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