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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I like your sense of humor. (It's annonymous again). My doctor claims that once one's body is used to the hormones there's no more spiking, that it's more level. I plan to stick with it for another cycle, mainly because the creams don't offer testosterone & that's really good for bone growth, muscles and weight loss. I'm about 20 lbs over where I should be - have lost about 5 since using the hormones. One big issue is I still can't sleep - I'm doing good to get in 5-6 hours, and the word was I would be able to sleep like my old self. I was able to sleep well on the creams. Back to the testosterone - when I was spiking I was whining to a coworker who has now offered to set me up with someone to 'relieve my tension'. I had to explain to her that right now I don't need to meet the guy since I'm no longer in a frenzy - I needed him a month ago!

June 17, 2009 - 4:23pm


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