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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

This is that annonymous chick again....yes I was using my toys so much that I'd almost get excited when I'd pass the batteries in the grocery store! I to, experienced only the libido side of the testosterone, not 'real energy' - nothing to make me want to jump up & clean house. I slept 4 hours last night - am almost sleeping worse than prior to using the pellets. When I used the estrogen/progesterone compounded creams I slept thru the night but they did nothing for skin tone, weight loss & when the doc would check my bloodwork the estrogen levels remained extremely low. I'm currently thinking my estrogen tank is empty again (tad over 3 months on pellets) because now the 100mg progesterone is giving me cramps/spotting. No, I didn't know there was a testosterone patch (I get a vision of teenage boys trying to stick them on girls) - I thought the pellet was the only way they could deliver the testosterone. I wanted to force myself on a frat house & it made me very depressed. I think I now know what it's like to be bipolar - my thoughts raced, I couldn't concenterate on my job or even a tv program other than "wow, that guy's hot". That's disappointing that your friend said her second round of pellets didn't work out either. And, I see your point that if we don't get another injection untl levels are depleted, then logically it would cause more spiking. I sort of feel like I've lost 3 months of my life riding a crazy rollercoaster.

June 20, 2009 - 5:32am


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