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Hello, I stumbled here when I was doing more research on Sotto Pelle, so thought I'd add my experience along with a few others... I started Sotto Pelle about a year ago after getting rave reviews from an aquaintance of mine. The first time I got the insertions I noticed very few changes. It did clear up my fuzzy brain (I was forgetting what I was doing going from room to room sometimes and it drove me crazy), but my sex drive didn't return - which I had been told would come back very strongly. My energy level was always pretty high, so I didn't notice much of a change there. My skin looked a bit better I thought... a bit more "plumped up". I am 58. I got a second insertion 4 months later and still didn't experience the renewed sex drive, to the dismay of my husband. I slept well and my skin still looked good and my fuzzy head was still better, but it wasn't enough considering the cost - in my humble opinion. I decided to try it ONE MORE TIME (the third insertion) two months ago and WOW is all I can say. The sex drive kicked back in BIG TIME and my husband is as thrilled as I am. It also made my breasts bigger and more full - an added bonus I didn't expect (also made them MUCH more sensitive). I haven't felt like this in almost 10 years and I REALLY like it. Since my husband and I have only been married 8 years, he's NEVER seen me like this. It took the doctor three different amounts/insertions of the hormones to get it just right for me. I was told that it sometimes it takes awhile to get the body to adjust to them. If one hasn't had enough testostrone in years (mine was VERY low when I first went in), the body is going to aborb it until it's "full". The first couple of applications were my body adjusting. The third time I hit that "sweet spot" I guess you'd call it. So, if you've tried it and it just didn't seem to do too much, it might take a time or two to get it right. It's relatively expensive (basically, $100 per month where I live in Georgia), but for now is worth it for me. I feel like I'm myself again, whereas before I just felt like I was on a downhill slide to old age. Yeah, I'm still aging, but it's like I've been given my energy and feminity back. I feel like a woman again! Hope this helps...

September 14, 2009 - 12:57pm


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