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(reply to Anonymous)

Wow..i was beginning to think i was the only one with some of these side effects. Actually i can handle the hair on my lip and face,a few pimples,the spike of RAWR from the pellet inserts at first.(been getting the pellets for over a year now)I have all my female parts.Im 51 and was diagnosed with premature menopause 4 months after having my only child at 34.(Took prempro for years so i had no period). I take 200mg of progesterone for 12 days 4 times a year..having a period every 3 months i could handle that..one time last year had a little breakthrough bleeding one time then not again My main problem now is 2 1/2 months ago i had breakthrough bleeding just like a period for a few days and last month the same way..also cramped but i could handle it but i wasnt suppose to be having a period those months. So i called my obgyn..went in..had a vag ultrasound..showed a few fibroid tumors which he said probably been there for years and maybe the bleeding is coming from those..in 3 weeks im having a endometr biopsy just to make sure not cancerous..even though he said most all the time are benign. Just took the progesterone for 12 days this month..on the 9th day started my period..just like a heavy period...but past few days felt awful,fatigue,cold,sleepy,severe crams that rarely let up.He ask if i was passing clots..i dont guess i am..its been years since i had periods since i took the prempro..i dont even know what a normal period was actually..all i know is im having breakthrough bleeding and its not lightly and it last for a few days then i spotted then it stopped.. then when i have the period i should im feeling exhausted and was in the bed the past weekend most all weekend. I just wish i knew what to do..i actually think its a enbalance of the estrogen or progesterone somehow...i just dont know. he actually told me to just play with the progesterone and take it everyday if i want to if i thought that would help me stop bleeding. :o I really think maybe some doctors just dont know what to do about all this breakthrough bleeding women are having from the pellet/progesterone treatment. Other than that i have to say the pellets gave me back my life that i lost so many young years of raising my child. Just thankful i have hope now..just praying to get this breakthrough bleeding under control. I love the pellets just hate the breakthrough bleeding thats just started for me july and august. Seems that so many women are having the breakthrough bleeding and the Drs just dont have the answers.

September 19, 2011 - 6:59am


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