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(reply to Xray-Renee)

Renee, yes I am the one you were replying to. I was so excited to go see Terri Suresh because of her videos and such but I am disappointed that she said the high testosterone wasn't causing the hair loss and didn't seem to care. I find out that it does and I let her get me the same dose. My hair means more to me than the libido. I just want her to be honest. I am contemplating on going to the doctor in Arlington named Dr Donovitz. His name is on all her prescriptiions so it makes me nervous that she writes these without any supervision of a doctor. I know he probably trained her but it seems they aren't sure of the proper dosage. I really don't know what to do. One thing I do know for sure is that need to do bloodwork regularly to keep tabs on your levels. They do that at Terri Suresh office. She is an RN by the way, not an MD. Let me know how your visit goes.

October 21, 2011 - 7:18am


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