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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi....how long were you on BHRT? My RNP severely overdosed me which caused MASSIVE panic attacks, screaming high blood pressure, heart rates in the 150's......her answer was to up my progesterone! I had taken BHRT estrogen (very low dose - hysterectomy 22 years ago at age of 26) for the past 5 years and did fine.....but we moved so decided to get a blood work up done and she gave me SIX TIMES the amount of estrogen, plus testosterone plus 150 mg of progesterone. I thought I was going to die......I ended up on xanax and blood pressure medicine to control everything. When the last pa ic attack hit and took 3 hours for me to get heart rate and BP down I said, "That's it!!!!" I quit cold turkey and it got worse.....omg. I have literally been in bed for weeks....unable to eat or move, a trip to the ER finally (they were no help) but due to adrenaline surges thought I might have cyst on my adrenal gland.....had to see endocrinologist, spent 2 1/2 hours on his bathroom floor with panic attack.....no cyst (of course), but a Rx for a beta blocker to keep adrenaline/anxiety from driving heart rate and BP. It makes me feel awful and I still have a xanax withdrawal to look forward to.....omg, I miss my life!!!!! I would LOVE to hear recovery stories from anyone!!!!! Someone please give me a light at the end of the tunnel and tell me this doesn't last forever.........just this week I am getting nutrition from organic baby food (Boost weight gaining shakes have stimulants as I unfortunately discovered).........anyone? Anyone???

May 5, 2015 - 7:50pm


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