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(reply to Demogirl66)

Wow Demogirl66, I know it's been a long time since you posted but I just came across it and it sounded so much like me! Would love to hear how you are doing. I was on Zoloft for many years and also took progesterone cream since I tested low for almost none. At first it worked well. But after I went off the Zoloft, my experience sounded like yours. All of a sudden, I couldn't tolerate the progesterone cream but I also couldn't live off it. Think I was getting too much because if I upped my dosage or starting taking too many days in a row, I would wake at night with my heart racing. I spent one night on my bathroom floor trying to calm myself and called an ambulance another night. Of course, EKG was normal. Never had problems with heart rate or blood pressure. Had to start taking Klonopin (anti anxiety like xanax) just to fall asleep. Spent the last 3 months trying different antidepressants and also this darn Klonopin but they all made me have weird heart rhythms or palpitations. I am so done with all of them! I've almost got Klonopin out of my system and took some progesterone cream to do it. Was feeling good about a week in when I woke up again to Heart racing. I found a naturopathic PA who I think is wonderful and she drew 10 vials of blood testing for everything! We did saliva testing as well and I go see her in a week to go over all my results and put the pieces together. I'm almost 49 so I'm guessing my estrogen has just dropped so much now that when I add in progesterone cream, it makes my body more out of balance. I used to be a mostly calm person who walks and does yoga and now I'm a stressed out, frazzled mess on a bunch of crap drugs. It's nice to hear that I am not alone.

April 24, 2017 - 12:59pm


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