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EmpowHER Guest

I had my flu shot more than two weeks ago (early Nov 2014) at a national drug store chain for free as part of our healthcare plan. The injection site was very high up on the shoulder where the joints connect (I've since learned it should occur 2-3 finger widths down from the joint). It was bruised for several days but that's not uncommon. However, the muscle has not been the same since and pain does not seem to be lessening; chronic shoulder pain. Reaching over to put on deodorant, lifting my shirt over hear (especially sports bra), and sleeping on the side of injection-site (left) are some of the things that cause pain. Have had the flu shot regularly for many years now with only the usual mild soreness for a couple days afterward and maybe a little fatigue. This bothers me and I may never get another one since I only ever had the flu every ten years or so.

November 19, 2014 - 4:07am


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