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I also got my flu shot two or three weeks ago and the lpain usually lasts just that day. I always got mine at cvs and I got mine at cvs this year as well. This is the first time the pain is lasting so long. I'm having the exact pain as everyone else is saying. I can't lift it or sleep on it. When I lift it up to take off my shirt it is so painful I physically cannot do it. I exercise everyday and my arm does ok during the workouts, but it's not stopping the pain. My boyfriend also got his shot with me this year and his arm is fine, but he got a really bad rash in a... Uncomfortable spot. I told my dad about my arm pain and he laughed saying it flu shot pain doesn't last that long. Someone on here said their nurse did the same thing. Did they change the flu vaccine this year? I'm not making up this kind of pain.

November 29, 2014 - 5:52am


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