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EmpowHER Guest

My 1st post was on Nov 19, 2014 after 3 weeks of pain. It has been almost 6 weeks now and finally went to the Doctor. My Doctor said that it seems the shot hit a nerve and he has heard of this before and that pain usually subsides in 8 weeks. If pain does not subside I have to go see a Neurologist!! JUST GREAT! Doctor said its just bad luck that this happened, I too thought the shot was unusually high on the arm this time but he said the location was fine when I showed him where it was administered. So after 6 weeks my arm is slightly better, if that soothes anyone experiencing the same, it still hurts to lift above shoulder height and take off clothing and lift items at times, but a slight improvement.

December 2, 2014 - 12:01pm


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