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EmpowHER Guest

I also have been in a lot pain since last week after receiving the flu shot at my doctors. First I noticed she also gave it to me awful high up on my arm. Second, I noticed that as soon as she pushed the plunger in, it felt like she shot me with concrete. I said so out loud because it hurt so much and my arm felt heavy.
I too have had flu shots every year for years now and never gave it another thought afterwards but, this one- not at all.
It wakes me up if I lay on it so my sleep has been changed. I can not lift my arm up over my head or keep it up for a any amount of time because it hurts.
After reading here that people are having the same problems it makes me wonder what the hell did they do to us? What was in that shot?

December 3, 2014 - 9:18am


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