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I got my flu shot the 2nd week of October of this year (2014)...it is now the end of December and my arm feels like I have been in a boxing ring with Mike Tyson! I cannot sleep on my left side, cannot reach for things over my head or at a backwards angle or hold heavy things. The pain keeps me up at night and I can touch the sore spot - it is right where the injection was administered. Vicodin doesn't even help! I am left handed so this is particularly difficult for me to get everyday things done. I am at my wits end with this pain and I am beginning to feel like this will last forever! I actually called the pharmacy where I had the flu shot done to ask if it was possible that the tip of the needle broke off in my arm - that's how badly it hurts. All they told me was to take Ibuprofin for muscle inflamation. I guess I will try that but this pain really sucks.

December 28, 2014 - 10:35pm


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