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EmpowHER Guest

Dear Arm sufferers,
I am really glad I had a place to vent. I think i shared before I got a oral steriod, predizone, and it is the only thing that helped. So that must be it for me! I had, have a very inflamed muscle after the shot. I too have always questioned the nurse who gave me the shot, and I will leave it at that. I think I had just better switch doctors, I had to keep persisting to get the right treatment. This was my third try before I finally got help. I will never get a shot in the arm again. Finally, by some miracle on the third office visit I did manage to find a doctor who just listened and replied, "I am looking at your chart, you don't have a record as a whiner, I believe you, and something is wrong. Now that was a miracle. So what have I learned in all this? 1) Keep being persistent, if your in pain, your in pain. somewhere there is relief. 2) Half the cure is being acknowledged, we are worth listening too! 3) It really does make a difference where you get the shot and who gives it to you. 4) Doctors like all people are different, and it really helps to find one you can feel comfortable with and relate too. If you found different answers or even the same please let me know, as I never had the constant pain as with this shot, so i am curious as to what others are learning or are doing....Thanks again,, all of you and I hope your arms get better!!!

October 8, 2009 - 2:00pm


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