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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Ladies,I was just doing some research my self on pain in the left shoulder after a flu shot for my husband. He recently got his flu shot for the very first time in his life just two days ago and his now
experiencing a lot of pain in the left shoulder where they injected him. The pain that his experiencing,is a shooting pain up his shoulder to his neck. I was reading other sites and came across this forum off course about pain after a flu shot and the doctor responded to this woman who was having the pain. He/She said that it's something in the brachioplexus area,called parsonage-turner syndrome. This is usually a post viral or vaccination phenomena where one gets an inflammatory reaction in the brachioplexus and causes nerve damage to the nerves of the arm,an EMG would help make the diagnosis and recent history of viral infection or vaccination(flu shot). It is treated with medications and usually comes back normal. Have to be determined by neurological exam and EMG. I'm not so sure that the flu shot is for everyone,especially if it damages your nerves. Good Luck!

December 16, 2009 - 9:29pm


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