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My flu shot was on Oct 6, 2009 and I still have pain. It isn't as bad as some of those posted here but worse than some. I just hope it doesn't get any worse. Thanks for the info on the patch. I will check with my friend at work that got one last year and see what brand she used. She said that the patch cost her around $200 last year. I am not sure how much she received. She said that she would cut a section off and place it where the pain was for about 4 to 6 hours, I believe. Her pain went away eventually, like others posted here, but she still has some lack of mobility in arm as far as reaching up above her head. I don't think the patch was a cure for the injury but just a way to help bare the pain until the body healed itself which it sounds like it slooooooooowly does at different rates for different people. I read through every post today and there are many pain relief suggestions given by many people that truly want to help us all! Please keep them coming! What might not work for you, might work for some one else.

January 10, 2010 - 5:32pm


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