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(reply to Anonymous)

Interesting theory, but the symptoms of salmonella are gastrointestinal, and the pain experienced by myself (and majority of people on this site) have been at the injection site, with pain causing reduced use of arm/shoulder, difficulty sleeping and performing every-day tasks. Salmonella symptoms do not linger for 6 months or longer (think of food poisoning symptoms).

The vaccine is not "expelled" from the body, and the problems that many of us have experienced are not from the vaccine but from the actual needle being injected to high into the shoulder. It was extremely painful for months afterwards, and as I was getting the shot, it felt different than usual (I've received an annual flu shot for the past 10 years, and this is the first one that produced any complications).

I have since had another flu shot (I really, really did not want one, as I was terrified of the lingering pain again...even though it had stopped after 6 months), since I was high risk (pregnancy), and the flu shot did not "feel strange/weird" going in, the injection site was sore just for the day, and I did not have any lingering pain. I spoke with the nurse at length before getting the shot, and when she validating my concerns from my previous years' shot, I showed her where the shot was given and she agreed that it was too high in the shoulder, and she showed me BEFORE giving me the shot where the injection site would be...only then did I feel comfortable (kind of) with receiving the vaccine.

I'm so glad I worked through my fears, received another flu shot, and feel like I advocated for myself! I am so sorry others are going through this, too...it really is worrisome that something is very wrong with your arm/shoulder, and you don't know if you will ever feel "right" or pain-free again. I am happy to say that I am pain-free, and will be double-checking with every nurse BEFORE getting a vaccine/injection regarding where the site is, and to let them know my complication previously.

January 10, 2010 - 8:01pm


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