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(reply to Anne M)

Let us know what your main doctor says. It was difficult when I talked with my nurse, but she knows me and knows that I do not "make up" symptoms or exaggerate conditions....the rapport and patient-health care provider relationship really comes in handy after time! Plus, she was not the one to give me the difficult injection, and I was able to show her EXACTLY where the injection site was (even after the pain was gone, I still can "feel" where it was if asked..does that make sense?). When I showed her, she "got it"...so that may help you as well. My nurse said something about the shot needing to be about two-finger widths below the shoulder something-or-other (ha..my anatomy and physiology escape me now).

Best of luck, and please let us know what you find out!

January 10, 2010 - 9:14pm


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