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EmpowHER Guest

It happens to me too; my second toe is slightly longer than my big toe so at times when I play sports it hits against the front of my shoe a fair bit. It doesn't happen a lot but when it does I notice the toenail is thicker than the rest, grows slower, and has ridges on it.

It doesn't hurt, and to get rid of it I'd try to find a place where it allows me to lift the nail up to separate it from the original nail, and if it doesn't cause me pain (sometimes it'll hurt from the sides where it is still attached to the cuticles) I'll clip the sides away and it will lift off entirely. It doesn't look too gross, just really bumpy looking due to the ridges. The bottom nail will look new and healthy.

Didn't see a doctor because it didn't cause me any pain, no blackening of nail like the other stories so I didn't think much of it but probably will if it starts giving me problems.

May 5, 2012 - 9:38am


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