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I am the flutist who left a comment on April 14, 2010, describing a venous lake at the corner of my upper lip. It grew to almost the size of a small pea and made me very self-conscious. Starting in early 2011, I had a series of V-beam laser treatments, each involving two laser zaps. The first few treatments were done 4 months apart, at fairly low power, and didn't achieve any lasting results. I then had several high-power treatments at 3- or 4-week intervals, and the venous lake is now totally gone. It has been 3 months since my last treatment, and my lip is completely smooth and normal looking. The laser zaps were so quick, they were hardly uncomfortable at all with topical anesthesia. Afterward, my lip would swell and appear slightly pale, but it was never painful, nor did I have any blistering or bruising. My treatments were done by Dr. Paul Friedman, a dermatologist who has offices in Houston and New York City. I recommend him very highly. The treatments cost about $400 each and were not covered by insurance, but the expense was well worth it to me. Every time I look in the mirror, I am amazed at how normal my lip looks. Also, Dr. Friedman assured me that flute playing neither causes venous lakes nor makes them worse.

July 27, 2012 - 11:22pm


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