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EmpowHER Guest

This story and some of the comments have helped me so much! I am 37 years old, have two children (11 and 7) and my husband was recently diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that is affecting many aspects of his daily living. I have gone through weeks of denial and disbelief. Now, I find that I am so sad and so angry with him all of the time. He is no longer working, we have depleted our savings and now solely living on my income. Thankfully I have a good income and we can survive on this, but no room to do anything extra or save. I miss the life we had and I keeping wishing that life would just go back to "normal". As weeks go on, I am beginning to accept that it just may not. He is such a wonderful, loving man, but I am so sad and I am having a hard time dealing with the situation. I work full-time, often time long hours, take care of the house and the kids. My job is very demanding and I feel that I am torn between working and taking care of my family. I have worked so many years on climbing the corporate ladder that I have no one talk with. I have family, but they cannot relate or understand. His family is not very supportive. I love him so much and I hate being angry, but I just cannot seem to get passed it. I know that it is not his fault and he feels horrible. For those of you that are dealing with the same sort of thing, how do you get passed the anger and bitterness and move on?

February 12, 2012 - 9:39pm


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