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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)


thank you for sharing. i shared my story on here too. I am 36. No children. Married 11 years and he got sick right before the wdg. Because of my husbands illness he was unable to have children with me, but had his own prior to me. Speaking from experience, it takes great strength.... inner spiritual strength to move on accept and continue with a new life... that is newly defined with this illness, certain limitations... it is hard. I've been the sole provider for 10+ years. It is good to talk to people about it. You need a supportive person.

At least you have the children to kinda keep you focused. For me the ilness and the wear and tear on me mentally and emotionally I had to recently leave. I feel aweful but at the same time I had to save myself from the nut house. In btwn all of this my parents and grandmother died. so it has been very heavy for me. I'ts best to be open and honest.... PLEASE do not shove your feelings under a matt! it will backfire later. You are human and you have feelings. I am glad he is loving, that will make it easier on the sacrafice :) i wish you well and I"d be totally willing to be an email buddy for support. But they won't let me post my email here.... but maybe the moderator will let us if you decide that. I live in norcali.

much love


I recently though decided to separate from him. Everyone's situation is different

February 13, 2012 - 11:07am


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