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EmpowHER Guest

As a 33 year old woman whose husband cheated on and then divorced me while I was in chemo for breast cancer, I can tell you that as a caregiver, you cannot possibly compare your hurt to someone who is going through treatment for a chronic/possibly fatal disease. Abandoning your spouse while they are fighting for their life is disgusting, like abandonding your wounded on the battle field. Yes, people get divorced everyday. But don't kick them while they're down. If there is abuse going on, that's another thing--abuse is never okay and you should leave. We suffer from a severe lack of devotion and upholidng oblibations in this society--it's appalling. Elderly dumped in nursing homes because their children can't be bothered with them. What did you think you were signing up for? Life isn't always sunshine and roses and sometimes you need to put others before yourself. I'm a nurse so I truly don't relate to people who refuse to care for others. I pity them when the tables turn and they find themselves alone when they are sick. If you're thinking of leaving your sick spouse, I'd like you to close your eyes and imagine YOU are the one laying that bed. How would YOU feel if the one person that promised to take care of you walked away from you when you were too sick to even get up and go to the bathroom or feed yourself from chemo. Not so good huh? Do unto others. It's not okay (if there is no abuse) so stop trying to justify it and soothe your conscience. That is all.

April 11, 2012 - 8:16pm


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