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EmpowHER Guest

You ask 'what kind of woman leaves a sick spouse?'. Well that kind of woman, to offer a different persepective is ME. I left under very similar circumstances four months ago, moved far away across the country and rebuilt my life with my daughter. I haven't regretted it although much of it was extremely difficult at first. The thing was, I would honestly have moved heaven and earth to stay with my spouse, and knew many people who viewed their M.S positively - but my spouse wasn't one of them, and the meanness and mood swings turned to emotional abuse. So I needed to get myself and my daughter out of there. And I have to say I haven't regretted it. Now that I am gone, my spouse's family have finally had to rally round and provide the support for him between them that they never did whilst I was propping him up. I was quite prepared to be his carer, and did all the courses and so on , but he never appreciated anything I did and blamed me for everything. Hope you don't mind my sharing a different perspective.

October 5, 2012 - 7:46am


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