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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

It is a brave thing to leave a sick spouse, people will judge you, but they do not know how hard it is to carry on.
I have been married for nearly 25 years & my husband & I had a good marriage. We had many challenges including our eldest son who has cerebral palsy is a wheelchair & communication aid user, we spent years fighting for a good life for him. Just when light seemed to be shining at the end of the tunnel my husbands MS that has been diagnosed for 13 years now started to get worse, he is now in the secondary progressive stage, using a wheelchair, unable to do anything around the house & our relationship has completely broken down, maybe my fault.
Having raised my disabled son as well as another son I am exhausted of this life of disability, I feel like I cannot go on. I feel guilty for my husband as it is not his fault but does that mean my life is over. I am having regular counselling & have many friends but I feel myself getting more & more depressed & really don't know if I can go on living this life with my husband.

February 17, 2013 - 11:40am


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