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I've been married 14 yrs. In all these years, there have been countless medical problems for him...me one. Many of them were accidents...I've decided he's the most careless man on the planet Earth. It is simply not possible that his luck is this bad, plus many injuries were proof of idiocy. Like wear googles. A human can't lift that. You get the idea. He also had chronic ear infections but until he stopped smoking the doc wouldn't do tubes...he's still a smoker, and its 12 yrs later. I've seen him through countless kidney stones (again refused doc advice and continued Tums abuse and abuse of mtn dew). I've seen him through 3 shoulder surgeries. All accidents that make him look dumb. One was "I have no idea how" ...a doc said "impossible." Others...doing somethg only the Hulk could manage. But what he did manage...was addiction to pain meds...and I had to see him through that too, twice. Now its been nearly a year and the best doctors cannot diagnose him. It seems like an IBS sort of deal but after tons of hosptalizations, countless tests, and thousands of $ there is no dx and we are just treating symptoms. Hes been put on a strict diet and told to stop smoking (AGAIN) but isn't doing it. It really hurts that the kids and I are on this horrible diet for his sake and not only does he eat thgs he shouldnt, he still smokes and lies about it...and HES THE ONLY ONE THAT COMPLAINS ABOUT THE DIET!
And speaking of complaning...he's seriously the biggest whiner I've ever known in my 39 yrs. He can have the same flu but he is sicker. He has never told a medical pro his pain is under 5. Ever. My kids can handle pain better. But this "poor unfortunate" man is surely worth it right? He must have some redeeming qualities? One. He works hard at work. No where else. Plus he doesn't miss work..until this past yr he couldn't workat times...and lay offs for big amounts of time. Not his fault. But overall a shitty husband. He rarely apologizes and often has zero reaction when I tell him I'm lonely in this marriage. I saw on facebook he asked a lady out (she has since cut off all private chatting with him..no answer lol). He's not hot or anything...or socially adept..or smooth or secretive to cheat...at least that's my opinion. He's a terrible liar but a "good" omitter. He's terrible with money...a big source of his issues in gereral relate to immaturity. He's 41 and still would rather spe nd on fun without thinking ahead to how much we need when the bills are due.
With all this awfulness I've tried to forgive and move forwRd with him forour kids. Then 2 wks ago he went way off the diet and began smoking like a chimney again. He was hospitalzed for days. As soon as things begin to get better for him physically...he has probs with an eye. After 4 docs and diff diagnoses, they removed somethg he has no idea how it happened. Doc said it was plastic. Its yet another medical mystery. Oh and another thing...the man is never well. Ever. in 13 yrs. It can be weeks after yet another prob and clearly he's doing good. Someone asks how he's doing with ------- problem and he will always say somethg to the affect that he's well enough to do fun stuf but wow I'm still terribly sick. Hes become a total joke to many family members. I've begged him to stop talking this way..and to stop constantly talking about all his med issues around our kids. He usually doesn't stop...bc there is no one more important than he...just like no one could hurt or be as bad off as he. But all these probs mean he's so caring when I'm sick right? Wrong. I'm on my own. In fact I had a cancer scare and he told me he didn't think he could handle it. Like I could handle a drug addicted husband getting 3 surgeries? With an infant at the time? I've asked why I get the shitty husband and he gets the great wife. He brags about me all the time to everyone. Even on facebook! So the other day he tells me he can't move his foot. I googled and its called drop foot. His gi doc said to see a neurologist asap. I told him I don't think I can handle it. I've seen him through so much. Held on to duty and vows when I felt I couldn't do it anymore. Put one foot in front of the other cause what wife leaves an ill husband? A wife in a bad marriage to an ill pain in the ass, that's who. If he were a good husband I could bear all. But going through all this with my kids to watch (again) ...I don't see it.

February 16, 2015 - 2:12pm


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