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Anonymous (reply to Dave Balch)

Thank you Dave Balch! your possitive words brought confort to me. A little bit ago I was feeiling bitter and hopeless. I'm 33 years old and I have been married to my husband almost 6 years. Two months after we got married his mother passed away and few weeks after he was diagnosed with cerrhosis of the liver in almost in the late stages. Sometimes I find myself so angry at him because I feel cheated. We didn't get to enjoy our honymoon stage because so many horrible things happened. There where times when I would wake up in the morning wondering if today was my husband's last day. I stopped living our and my life worring about "our" last moments together. Your comment and God have made me love my husband regardless how bad I feel for myself. In situations like this I have to sacrifice myself and put my husband first. One day he will be gone and I want to have a clean heart that I loved him the best I could. I have to do it first because God has comanded me as a wife to take care of him and second, I want our son to see and to know that his father was loved and taken care of.

May 25, 2009 - 5:22pm


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