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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I read your post and can completely relate. I am ANON and have been struggling with alot of the same things that you are for several years. I recently went to a book store and found a book that you might find helpful too. It's by Beth Wilson and the title is "He's just no good for you" and is a guide to getting out of a destructive relationship. It doesn't only speak about leaving, but really helped me to put things in perspective and gave me some insight about emotional abuse. It's not a "hard" read and not boring which was surprising to me as I really am not that fond of self help books. I have been conflicted about leaving because of such horrible guilt, but I think that I am finally getting past that and know that my life is important too. I tend to feel more guilt when I see him struggling to walk, losing his balance or having difficulty getting to a bathroom quickly enough. I now feel though that I deserve to be treated well, it shouldn't be so hard to be nice to me! Not sure where you are from, but it sure would be nice to get a coffee sometime and talk with someone who completely gets it.

October 18, 2009 - 4:24am


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