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Anonymous (reply to Pat Elliott)

I am the original writer and thought that I would drop in after the latest posting to let everyone know how I am. It's been about 8 months since I left my spouse. We are still in the middle of the divorce proceedings, he is very angry and continues to express his anger at every opportunity. I recently reported him to the DMV and brought him to court as he insisted on driving our now 5 year old son around, despite a car accident on a major freeway and multiple fender benders locally. His driver's license had not been revoked and since most of his accidents are with stationary items (fences, posts, garage wall) he doesn't see these as a problem. The court sided with me (and DMV also). He now has to have a driver's test and his driving privileges will be based on how he does. Despite all of the anger that he has towards me, I am at peace. I relish coming home and spending time with my son. My son is adjusting well, there are some good story books for kids discussing divorce and he has caught on to the terminology so he is able to express how he feels. His daycare director recently told me that he seems much more calm than before. Not as loud, not shouting as much etc. I have joined a women's social group, have made many friends who are supportive and understanding. I spent so much time worrying what people would think of me for leaving a sick spouse and found that people are kind and do not judge me. My spouse has tried to fuel that fear many times saying things such as "how do you think you look, just leaving me for dead?". What he doesn't realize is that I spent years judging myself and that I've worked with a counselor for years to come to a resolution. I'm ok, doing well and my son and I are thriving. Finances are tight, but I'll bounce back.

August 27, 2010 - 5:06am


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