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One of the side effects of using hormonal contraceptives (including the patch, ring, pills) are headaches. It is very important to speak with your doctor if your headaches are severe or frequent, which can include a migraine.

There are many great birth control options for women, all with their advantages and disadvantages. Even if you decide to use the pill, there are many different types of pill that varies with the exact levels of hormones, and you may need to try a few different types of contraceptive before finding the one that's right for you. Be sure to tell your doctor about symptoms you experience, as well as side effects you want to avoid, for the best possible option.

We would recommend a quick phone call to your doctor's office, to let them know that you have been experiencing headaches/migraines when you switch out your patch. I would not wait until you see your doctor again (unless it is within the next few weeks), as you may want to try a different contraceptive, and the nurse/doctor can write a note in your medical chart about your new symptoms: they will want/need to know this information, so it is important to call.

good luck! Let us know what your nurse/doctor says!

December 6, 2009 - 2:07pm


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