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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

On two seperate occasions I had minor injury to my foot The first time a bug bite the second I stubbed my little toe On both occasions it hurt at first then went away and about a day and a half later I couldn't walk put on a shoe because of the swelling and the pain kept spreading Without having much for outward signs I did have the pain swelling and heat around the area. It took several doctors and visits but I had Cellulitis a very serious infection that if untreated can leave you septic and eventually DEAD!!! Don't stop trying to find out what's wrong your life could depend on it. Now when I injury my foot or get a bite and the symptoms start I immediately go to the doctor tell them what I have and receive medication. All the best and take care of you because no one else will!!

November 3, 2014 - 7:27pm


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