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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

My sister had that sausage toe as they sometimes call it. There is a medical name of course for it. She was diagnosed with Arthritis. She is now having to inject herself weekly. The medicine has saved her active life. She no longer gets swollen toes. There is a nice test for arthritis that family doctors are using now to refer their patients to a rheumatologist. If it comes back positive, a rheumatologist takes over from there. Foot pain usually means diabetes, the usual arch problems (flat foot, etc.,) but it can also mean arthritis. Even foot doctors could not figure out my sister's condition. You would figure that they would know and they didn't. It took a medical intern at the Mayo Clinic to suggest what her problem might be. When it was too late my sister had to have some rods installed in her foot from all the damage the inflammation had caused her. Had she gotten the latest medicine approved in the last 15 years for this problem, she would not have had so much damage. Best wishes in your search for a relief :..)

March 23, 2015 - 11:25pm


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