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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

ok, so unsure why i could not comment, but i did reply..let's see if it lets me..so I have this SAME thing...only I have had a ton of symtoms in my body coming from EVERY system in my body..when i get up in the morning , it hurts like crazy to stand on my feet, NOT JUST MY HEELS (I've had that plantar thing, this is NOT that :) )..sometimes if I've sat for a bit, it happens again when i stand (worst in morning though)..I believe, ONE, there is a more serious issue going on, TWo, you need to get your digestive track under control, THREE, get on an anti-inflammatory plan. I have been tested for sooo many things, i am not TECHNICALLy allergic to any food or whatever, but most foods bother me, i can't even list all my symtoms..it may be Lupus, but my body acts like i have Diabeetes, Muscular Distrophy, sooo many things...i'm sure i have an autoimmune disease causing all of this. bottom line, please get your health, what you take into your body under control, including cleaning agents, stuff you put on your skin, of course food, try to find a functional medicine doc...look online, some have had testing even if they are not listed as that...be your OWN advocate, write stuff down...docs will just cover stuff up...

August 8, 2015 - 9:29pm


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